21 Examples of American Ingenuity At Its Finest
- No one does it like the U.S. of A.
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40 Trashy Trucks Terrorizing the Road
- These rides make Elon Musk’s cyber truck look tame.
39 Funny Examples of Backyard Engineering
- When "if it ain't broke don't fix it" and "well,...
31 Fine Examples of DIY Engineers and Their...
- Just because you can, that doesn't mean you should.
Blue Collar Genius: 30 DIY Projects by Shadetree...
- It ain't dumb if it works.
23 Blue-Collar Marvels of DIY Ingenuity
- When you want something done well and for cheap, we...
45 Blue-Collar Einsteins and Out-of-the-Box Thinkers...
- When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
18 Clever Creations From Blue-Collar Geniuses
- We don't know if they're smart or really dumb, but one...
'A Trailer, Truck and a Jeep': Meet the Final Boss of...
- Think your tow truck is strong? Think again.
Filing Cabinet Smoker Proves BBQ Season Is Here for a...
- Rust, paint, and fumes, oh my! Unfortunately we can't...
Redneck Moments Proving You’re Country AF
- There are lots of ways to tell if you're a certified...
Dad Attacks Cops with Excavator to Save Son from Arrest
- It's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it works out...
Duct Tape Should Hold It: 24 Blue-Collar Fixes That...
- Like my uncle Billy Bob said "If it's stupid but...
Toolbox Tricks: 23 Effective Blue Collar Life Hacks...
- Hey I'm not judging anyone, these are some pretty...
34 Rednecks Winning at Rednecking
- Just some rednecks doing what they do best
30 "Genius" Solutions To Problems
- Some redneck engineering for ya.
Low-Budget Life Hacks: 17 Less Than Stylish Ways to...
- Sometimes you just gotta take matters into your own...
15 Blue Collar Solutions People Came Up With on the Fly
- Sometimes you just gotta take matters into your own...
Dude Opens Can in Crocodile's Mouth, Buddy Shotguns...
- A ballsy move for sure. This dude literally reaches...
Redneck Rave Ends With Slit Throat, Impaled Man,...
- The Redneck Rave 2021, hosted at the Blue Holler...
25 DIY Repairs That Would Make MacGyver Proud
- These rigs are questionable at best, but that doesn't...
Redneck Mailbox Wrecker Gets Rekt Himself After...
- This grade-A dirtbag thought he could go around...
"You Might Be a Redneck" Jokes Never Get Old
- "If you leave moonshine and KFC out for Santa, you...
Mountain Dew's First Commercial From 1966
- "It'll tickle your innards!"
Redneck Performs Flawless Autobody Work With A...
- Rednecks get a bad rep, but their ingenuity is second...
Redneck's Savage Shotgun Beer Prank Leaves His Friend...
- You have probably seen people shotgun a beer, but this...
29 Trashy People Making The World A Worse Place
- These people belong in the landfill.
29 Redneck Engineers To The Rescue
- Things that were fixed the redneck way.
32 DIY Solutions That Are More Why Than Anything
- These people needed this stuff done, so they used...
Redneck Gets Passed by an Idiot in the Snow
- It's hard to say which driver is the worse person.
33 DIY Geniuses That Are Very Dumb but Got the Job Done
- Hey, don’t knock it if it works. Working however is...
20 Times Rednecks Made Their Own Inventions
- Some smart, some not so much.
This Is Not How You Should Pull down a Tree
- These guys in St. Louis, Missouri were trying to save...
Impatient Truck Driver Plows Through Group of Cyclists...
- This genius drives right through a group of cyclists...
35 People Who Are Real Redneck MacGyvers
- Trust me, babe, I know what I'm doing okay.
This Kid's Pickup Truck is the Most Redneck Thing Ever
- Also, nice mullet.
How To Crush Up A Penny Using Everyday Chemicals
- A step by step guide to turning pennies into dust.
West Virginian Triggered by a Sticker of Afghanistan's...
- He was tailgating the camera guy for miles before this...
Cruel And Easy Public Bathroom Prank To Pull Off
- A super simple prank that is sure to satisfy.
Redneck in Alligator Infested Waters Trying to Have a...
- Is this hillbilly looking for a wife?
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