22 Hilarious Times When Iconic Moments in Sports,...
- Art imitating life is easy, but when life imitates...
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Ancient Artifacts That Totally Piqued Our Interest
- We've collected some of the coolest pieces of history...
15 Seth Rogen Vases to Stare at While Listening to...
- There may or may not have been weed smoked while...
29 Statues that Seem Impossible
- Just look at that!
Artist Uses Math To Create Glass Sculptures
- Jack Storms creates these glass sculptures using...
Awesome Animal Sculptures Made From Old Hubcaps
- British artist Ptolemy Elrington makes these cool one...
Star Wars Sculptures From Everyday Items
- Gabriel Dishaw has given new life to old technology.
Sculptures Made From Recycled Watch Parts
- Using vintage watches, jewelry, stones, and other...
Sculptures Made With Eating Utensils
- 29 creative sculptures by Ohio-based artist Gary Hovey
Amazing Wood Sculptures
- 35 Creative and intricate sculptures made out of...
Crayon Art Sculptures
- Crayons can be use for more than just coloring.
Mutant Animal Sculptures Made From Tires
- A Korean Artist recycles old tires and turns them into...
Scrap Material Sculptures
- A collection of unique and awesome sculptures by Brain...
How Paper Sculptures Work
- Artist Li Hongbo demonstrating how his paper...
Awesome Ice Sculptures
- Impressive art made from ice.
Sculptures Made Of Glass
- Some pretty awesome glass sculptures.
Sculptures That Will Blow Your Mind
- This is some sculptures made by one of the most...
Metal Sculptures
- Cool art sculptures made of metal.
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