Drive By Shooting Prank
- An SUV drives by with huge speakers and gunshot sound...
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600 Round Capacity Glock Magazine
- This "versatile" assault magazine can handle any...
LAX Shooting Dummy Victim?
- A mannequin in a wheelchair, or a legitimate victim?
LAX Shooting Kills 1, Injures More
- Today at LAX a rifle-wielding, off-duty TSA agent,...
Cop Fired After Shooting Squirrel
- The real crime here is that someone called 911 over a...
Police Arrest Man And Kill His Dog
- Police arrested Leon Rosby for "Obstruction" then kill...
Fireworks With Bullet Time
- A homemade camera rig creates the bullet time effect.
FBI Agent Takes A Shortcut
- Part training, part intuition, all 'Merican
Magic Beer Filling Chair
- Inventions by alcoholics!
Blonde Swims With A Shark
- Ocean Ramsey takes a swim with a Great White Shark.
Former Marine Stands Guard Outside Daughter's School
- When his daughter was too scared to attend class, this...
NCAA Coach Pat Kelsey Calls For Change Following...
- A passionate plea for change following the Connecticut...
Slay With Santa
- Zombies, creepies and other assorted bad guys have...
Psychologist Explains What Media Does Wrong
- ...In response to a school shooting
Gun Range Lets You Shoot At People
- A new type of gun range that tests your ability to...
Man vs Duckface
- He did the right thing.
Minecraft Troll Makes Fake 911 Call and Swat Team...
- Police arrest father after someone reported that a man...
Man Fights Armed Robber
- Don't think your Moped's worth dying over fella.
You Need Help
- Girl doesn't need any help shooting this clay pigeon
Hollywood Police Shooting
- Bullets were flying everywhere.
Pumpkin-Carving with a Drum-Fed AK
- Boo, Bitatches
Woman Almost Breaks Ankle
- Everything looked fake until she hurts herself. That...
US Soldier Helmet Cam in Afghanistan
- A day in the...
Miami Beach Memorial Day Shooting Cellphone Video
- Narces Benoit took cell phone video of a shooting...he...
Store Owner Open Fires
- Balls Yes...Aim No
Detroit Precinct Shooting
- A man walks into a police station and opens fire
Cops Shoot Handicapped Homeless Dood
- Cops in San Francisco respond to a crazy hobo slashing...
School Board Shooting
- Crazy guy tries to shoot the officers of a school...
Shooting Kittens with Lasers
- Don't worry people, it's set on stun, not kill.
Police Capture Shooting on Hidden Cameras
- Kansas City Missouri Police say that they caught a...
Oakland Police Chase and Gun Down 'Bambi'
- Residents of an East Oakland neighborhood are upset...
Hamilton Police Shooting Video
- Dashboard video from a January traffic stop in...
This Would Make The Olympics A Lot Better!
- A little murder!
Shooting a Snowman
- rednecks and some fireworks....lol
Shooting Breaks Out at Avatar Screening
- During a gun battle scene an actual shootout breaks...
Headcam Firefight In Afghanistan
- Soldiers headcam captures an intense firefight in...
Shotgun VS Teeth
- mr. buckshot now mr. buckteeth
Endless Zombie Rampage 2
- When you begin the game you'll be offered one of the...
Body Armour Test - Redneck Style
- Idiot lets his friends shoot him in the chest.
Days 2 Die
- The city is crawling with the undead, I'm trapped! The...
eBaum's Picks