'It Ain't Much, But It's Honest Work' - 25 Universal...
- The important things you have to do to be a real man
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Grandma Not Please by Grandson Using Her Fat to Play...
- This dude has the voice of an angel and the...
Lady On Mobility Scooter Wipes Out Hard At Skate Park
- “But the Hoveround commercials said I could go...
29 Clever Clapbacks That Laid The Smack Down
- The internet is cruel, but hilarious.
Reckless Bikers Weaving Through Traffic Pays The Price
- This Reckless motorcyclist, seen trying to catch up...
What Happens When You Talk Smack To An NBA Player
- He took it back real quick.
Bartender Flips Out When She Gets Groped By Patron
- This is how they do fireball shots New Orleans style.
Russian Slapping Championship Will Sting Your Face
- It's simple, brutal, and awesome.
Old Man In "Bad Motherf*cker" Shirt Stops Armed Robber...
- He was just trying to enjoy his coffee when an idiot...
This Guy Is The Epitome Of "Roid Rage"
- This guy is going nuts, little does he know he's about...
Biker Gets Taken Out By A Flying Motorcycle
- A crash in front of this biker ends up sending him to...
Dude Falls For A Nut Slap That Is Heard Around The...
- Poor bastard never even saw that epic nut shot coming!
Little Girl Forgets To Let Go Of The Trapeze
- She holds on for too long and goes flying into the...
Lady Talks Smack To A Cat
- The owner used a human to feline speech translator.......
Talk Smack, Get Smacked!
- Just because one punch didn't hurt you doesn't mean...
How Not To Impress The Ladies
- A macho wannabe gets a facefull of camera!
The Flying Bitch Slap
- Possibly the greatest slap in the history of slaps.
High Bar Triple Head Smack
- McKayla Maroney is not impressed.
Frozen Pool Jump Fail
- That water looks mighty cold bro...
Racist Comedian Violently Attacked On Stage
- Comedian Brett Eidman is attacked by an angry audience...
Golf Course Beating
- Trying to pull the Jackass movie stunt...
Drunk Baseball Smack Fail
- Good job dude, you saved the beer.
1st Baseman Gets Hit In Face
- Check out the guy in the background - smack!
All Dizzied Up
- this dude wins the dad of the year award
Osama Bin Laden's Death Caught on Tape
- Footage of President Obama's attack that killed Osama...
White Boy Beats Down Black Dude Talking Smack
- eBaum's World does not condone fighting...but we do...
Baby Faceplant
- This one is starting early
Protest Smack
- Wait for it.
Special Valentines Day Message From Spiderman
- He is such a romantic.
Lifeguard Beats Kids
- Only in Iran can you be beaten with a flipper while...
Justin Bieber Revolving Door Fail
- Whines like a girl for a bit too.
Fisheries and Oceans Minister Hit in the Face with a...
- Police charged a PETA member with assault after she...
Cop Slaps Female Teacher
- Well... she started it.
Guitar Smacking
- This guy puts a hell of a lot of guitar players to...
Teacher Lays The Smack Down
- Teacher shows a retard in his class a little tough...
eBaum's Picks