22 Reactions to the Fact That We Gotta Drink Poop Now
- Drinking water will soon come with free corn!
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Here’s What It’s Like to Be Under a...
- As the fires rage on in California, firefighters are...
The Season of the Flood Continues: Geyser Erupts in...
- Floods seem to be getting more spiteful.
Geyser Erupts on One Person’s House Specifically
- Hope you’ve got flood insurance.
WaterToker’s Creation Isn’t Even Water Anymore
- If you’re not familiar with WaterTok, this is a...
‘Our Days Are Numbered’: 7-Eleven Says It’s...
- Move over, Limp Bizkit — there’s a new Hot Dog...
Ladies, If Your Man Knows This Song, He Loves A–
- TikTok has been around for long enough that avid users...
15 Sailors Reveal Fascinating and Terrifying...
- Not only do sailors tend to have some of the best...
Florida Man Caught On Raised Draw Bridge in Miami...
- Nope that's not Peter Parker, that's just some random...
Man Fights for His Life While Trapped under Ice during...
- This seems like the opposite of just 'dudes being...
18 Captivating Maps of Our World
- Thanks to Amazing Maps on Twitter, we've collected...
See How Deep The Ocean Really Is
- Spoiler: It goes down pretty far.
Storm Surge Timelapse Shows Fort Myers Completely...
- The power of water is incredible.
21 Unnerving Photos Proving Open Water Is a Wild Beast
- A batch of breathtaking, and slightly terrifying...
Killer Whales Are Way Too F**king Smart and It’s...
- Orcas or Killer Whales, are incredibly smart. This...
20 Fascinating and Frightening Pics of Bodies of Water
- If you're not terrified of the water, you might be...
23 Useful Facts That Might Save You in a Pinch
- Most of the time, internet facts are like trivia....
Survivalist Kills All The Food After Pooping In The...
- Six dead fish end up in the water surrounding the...
5 Incredible Moments Caught On Camera
- From a fishing vessel sinking after catching too much...
Taco Bell Employee Throws Boiling Water on Angry...
- Maybe don't go behind the counter if you're not an...
Boat Slingshots Solid-Steel Bollard Through the Air
- The launch of a new boat accidentally slingshotted a...
Indian Politician Hospitalized After Drinking Water...
- Bhagwant Mann, the chief minister, was taken to the...
Duck Gets Absolutely Launched After Sitting on High...
- Watch a duck get yeeted into the stratosphere after...
20 Things the Rest of the World Isn’t Ready To Hear...
- We often hear about America from the rest of the...
25 Forms of Currency to Use in the Apocalypse
- What if society goes to hell and you wind up in an...
25 False Facts That That People Believed For Way Too...
- We all grow up believing dumb things. Eventually, we...
25 "Survival" Myths Likely To Get You Killed
- Everyone is fascinated by survival situations. Even...
25 Small Hills People Are Willing to Die On
- We tend to go to bat over the important things in our...
The Man Who Figured Out How Snowflakes Work
- Dr Ken Libbrecht is the world expert on snowflakes,...
21 Everyday Things That Are Totally and Completely a...
- Maybe it's a law or a practice that has been a...
24 Popular “Facts” That Are Completely Fake
- The internet is a great way to learn hundreds of new...
Hoodie-Wearing Cat Spills Water All Over Sleeping...
- If you ever needed (more) proof that cats are dicks,...
25 Real Conditions That Sound Completely Fake
- Whether it's calling into work or calling off a date,...
Dude Fleeing Cops Doesn't Think Things Through
- Sorry bro, the 'stay underwater until they leave'...
This Autonomous Trash Eating Robot Is Helping to Clean...
- Mark Rober and TeamSeas .org join forces to educate...
This Macro Video of Oil and Water Synced to Music is...
- Sit back, relax, and zone out for a few minutes as...
Dudes Turn Limousine into Portable Hot Tub
- The YouTubers over at CboysTV converted a limousine...
ESPN8: ‘The Ocho’ Aired Professional Stone...
- Stone skipping is so much more than just a pleasant...
Venomous Cottonmouth Following Kayak Appears To Hover...
- This guy was having a peaceful cruise down the river...
Massive Brawl at Sofi Stadium Ends in the Water
- It's only week 2 and we have our second Sofi Stadium...
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