Heartless Doctors Dance Around Patient's Unconscious...
- This patient in Atlanta, Georgia probably had no idea...
Media videos
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Annoying Brat Gets Thrown
- Be careful, or you might be next.
Allow This Total F*cking Zombie to Scare Your Kids...
- This person on spice is a good example of of why not...
Ignorant White Girl Turns Entire Kendrick Lamar...
- DAMN, she messed up. The cringe from Kendrick Lamar's...
Seagull Drops a Clam on Guy's New Car and He Has a...
- A man drives his new car right into the path of a...
Simple Question: Can You Name One Book?
- These people need to go back to school.
Biker Realizes Train is Coming Almost Too Late
- He got out of there real fast.
Fishing Boat Defends Its Turf
- That's one way to get other fishermen to GTFO.
Handcuffed Suspect Dives Off 2nd Floor of Courthouse
- A man in handcuffs took a nasty fall after he fled his...
Traffic Karma So Swift It'll Give You Whiplash
- This driver chose the wrong day to be a dick.
Why Piggly Wiggly's Eggs are Always Broken
- It's because they hire this kind of truck driver.
Idiot Almost Kills Himself Doing Crossfit at the Gym
- He was trying to look like a badass in front of a...
Man Finds Naked Tweaker Girl in House
- Man returns to empty rental property to find a naked...
Reporter Falls Hard Trying To Dance a St. Patty's Jig
- "I got your glasses!"
Two Police Helicopters Destroyed in Catastrophic Rotor...
- On November 17, 2012 a Pasadena Police Department (PD)...
Guy Speeding Down Back Roads Accidentally Drives Right...
- His surprised reaction is priceless.
Burglar Gets His Ass Handed to Him While Trying to...
- Pretty solid swing by that officer!
Lady Absolutely Obliterates Her Co-Worker in the One...
- Never do a one chip challenge with an Ethiopian girl.
Dashcam Captures Two Horrific Motorcycle Accidents at...
- Warning: Viewer discretion advised. I'm not sure if...
All Hell Breaks Loose When Girl Tries To Shoot...
- A reminder to be careful with fireworks during your...
Drunk Idiot Destroys His Nuts Trying To Slide Down An...
- He suffers a brutal nutshot and a rough crash landing...
Cute Blonde Gets Bashed In The Head With A Flat Screen...
- When a roof-top TV smash goes wrong...
Idiot Almost Breaks His Neck During Chair Stunt
- This guy should probably be under constant...
Couple On Speeding Jet Ski Have A Crash Landing After...
- This girls photo is interrupted by an out of control...
Biker Gets The Death Wobbles And Wipes Out Big Time
- He can't recover from He wasn't wearing any protective...
Father Has A Classic Dad Moment While Trying To Help...
- Daddy comes to the rescue fail.
Biker Can't Handle Sharp Curve And Pays The Price
- A split second distraction leaves him with several...
Brand New Ship's First Voyage Is A Disaster
- No one saw that coming... not even all those people...
Idiot Takes A Paintball To The Face At Point Blank...
- Cutbone from P.O.R takes a loaded paintball gun,...
Teacher Has Cringeworthy First Day Of Class!
- This woman is the Michael Scott of teachers. This is...
Repairman Caught Trying To Charge $700 Dollars For...
- Watch as this guy tries to scam a customer for big...
Farmers Lose Bale Of Hay In Spectacular Fashion
- Have fun getting it up that big ass hill!
Douchebag Skipping Traffic On Shoulder Gets Rekt
- This is what happens when you think you're better than...
Fridge Falls on Top of Idiot Thief
- He's lucky, a lot of people get killed that way.
Girl's Ropeswing Fail Sends Her Flying
- A brief flight followed by a hard crash landing.
Time Warner WTF Cable Management
- They needed to run a new line, this was their...
Driver Showing-off Crashes Badass Camaro
- Just because you own it, doesn't mean you can handle...
Drunken Elbow Drop Goes As Well As Expected
- There's a reason he didn't make it as a professional...
Lady Stealing Packages Gets Caught Red-Handed
- You can tell she has done this before.
Kid Petrified of Heights Fails To Impress His Date
- A ride on the Skyswing at Rotorua, New Zealand doesn't...
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