Influencer Posing for the Camera Has No Idea She’s About to Be Engulfed By a Heavy Metal Mosh Pit
Braden Bjella
Facebook Wall, meet the Wall of Death.
There are some places where it’s okay to be an influencer. Mirror at the gym? Not the best, but we’ll allow it. Brunch restaurant? Of course — why else would God give us brunch restaurants? But the pit at a heavy metal show? That’s a plan with disaster written all over it.
This woman seems to have seen the floor clear out at a metal show and thought, “Hey, what a great place to do a little dancing!”
It was at this moment that she was struck by the sheer power of the Wall of Death.
Holy crap. This girl was trying to be sexy for social media or something and went dancing in the pit at the sanguisugabogg show in silver spring just before a wall of death. Lmaooo
— Cassandra MacDonald (@CassandraRules) October 28, 2024