The Best Halloween News Bloopers to Get You in the...
- A collection of the best local and national news...
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5 WTF Moments from the Trial of Darrell Brooks
- This clown decided to represent himself without any...
The U.S. Finally Reveals its 6th Generation Fighter...
- Throughout the last century, the nation with the most...
Giant Mosque Dome Collapses in Indonesia at the ...
- The giant dome of the Jakarta Islamic Centre Grand...
Commercial Pilot Shares Footage of UFO Encounter
- We are tired of waiting around for the aliens to...
Russian Pilot Ejects Seconds Before Missile Impact
- Incredible GoPro helmet cam POV footage shows a...
Climate Protestors Throw Mashed Potatoes on $110M Monet
- The painting was behind glass and unharmed by the...
'I hope they take care of him': Parkland Mom Calls For...
- And if you can't tell from her demeanor, she means...
NYC's Nuclear Attack PSA Seems to Forget That No One...
- Get inside, stay inside... real ground breaking...
'Problem solved': Two British Teens Vandalize Famous...
- What did Van Gogh do to climate change?
Your Mom's Shipment of Dildos Just Spilled Out Onto...
- "Umm, can you tell me what all those boxes are?" No...
Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin Rocket Explodes After Liftoff...
- Blue Origin rocket exploded at 1:05 after liftoff,...
Frightening Video of a Stalker Breaking into a Woman's...
- Hannah Viverette was filming a TikTok when she heard...
Homeless Guy Attacks and Robs Elderly Man, Instantly...
- Video footage shows a good Samaritan springing into...
Meteorologist Loses it After Green Screen Multiplies...
- This Meteorologist can barely finish the broadcast...
Hilarious Woman Who Thinks She's A Reporter Actually...
- This woman might be the best damn reporter of all time.
Small Plane Barely Dodges Jetliners With GTA Style...
- A close call, and a lucky escape.
"Raunchy Garlic Ad" Causes Stir in Korea
- “We can’t repress our astonishment,” the Korean...
Sheriff Ordered a Raid on Indiana Batmobile Garage,...
- Holy political favors, Batman! That's the allegation...
Lifeguard Uses Drone to Rescue Drowning Kid
- What was almost certainly this kid's last day on...
Insane Flooding Shuts Down I-70
- Record rainfall around St. Louis has caused chaos.
Sinkhole Sucks Away Swimming Pool in Seconds
- A sinkhole opened up inside of a swimming pool,...
There's Been an Explosion at the Hoover Dam
- A transformer caught on fire this morning at the...
New Footage Shows Full Timelapse of Uvalde Police...
- In total, nearly 400 police officers responded to the...
Massive Maui Swells Evacuate Beach Wedding and Envelop...
- It was a weekend of big waves in Hawaii, as Maui's...
New York Nuclear Strike PSA Raises Eyebrows
- NYC Emergency Management shares important steps for...
Bumbling Idiot Attackers Get Owned by "Victim" Who...
- A robbery victim fought back, possibly shooting one of...
New Security Footage Shows 'Sky King' Richard Russell...
- You may remember the story of "Rich" the "Sky King",...
Video Crossing the Kansas Colorado Boarder on I-70...
- A man crossing the state border between Kansas and...
News Anchor Placed on Leave After Bizarre Live Rant
- Anchor Heather Kovar is all over the place in this...
Sea Lions Chase After Tourists at La Jolla Beach in...
- Locals only, bro!
Someone Blew Up The Georgia Guidestones
- Which one of you was it?
U.S. Rep. Debbie Lesko, "I Would Do Anything to...
- They can be killed in a school shooting if they're...
Florida Man's Explanation On Why He Had To Kill His...
- Welp, Florida Man has done it again.
Threesome On Carnival Cruise Leads to 60 Person Brawl
- An alleged threesome turned this Carnival cruise into...
Amtrak Train Crashes, Derails at Crossing
- An Amtrak train en-route to Chicago struck a vehicle...
Bulldozer Plows ‘Illegal’ Bikes in NYC
- Some 100 ATVs, scooters, and bikes deemed 'illegal'...
8-Year-Old Drops Awesome F-Bomb on Sports Radio Show
- 8 year old drops an awesome f-bomb live on the Pat...
Ex-Corrections Officer Talks About Life Inside Rikers...
- An ex-correction officer lifts the veil on the...
60 Minutes' Dungeons and Dragons Investigation From...
- File this one under videos that did not age well.
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