"Barstool Sports" Founder Gets Defensive about Saying...
- Enjoy this supercut of Dave Portnoy being offensive...
Media videos
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News Reporter Warming Up Before Going Live on Air
- She gets ready for her live segment by reciting the...
Kid Getting KO'd by COVID-19 Piñata Shows What Second...
- The second wave isn't coming, it's already here.
Florida Women Don't Need Masks or Underwear as Long as...
- "Ma'am, this is an Arby's. Either order something or...
Dude Spray Painting "Wighte Lives Matter" on His Fence...
- A new movement is gaining traction one genius at a...
Snapchat Added Then Quickly Removed This Juneteenth...
- Making slavery jokes is never a good look.
Taco Bell Has PR Nightmare after Firing Employee for...
- If #RIPTacoBell is trending does that mean they're...
Cop Puts on Oscar–Worthy Performance in McDonald's...
- She felt personally attacked because the McDonald's...
Pastor Calls Slavery a "Blessing" for White People
- For anyone feeling triggered by the phrase "white...
An Honest Commercial for Any Brand Capitalizing on...
- We're close to seeing Ronald McDonald bring out...
The Fear in Karen's Eyes When She's Caught Coughing on...
- Her look at the end is one of someone who's about to...
Comedian Imagines What Some Police Training Must Be...
- This one sketch is better than anything "SNL" put out...
Comedian's Anti-NASCAR Rant Captures Hypocrisy of...
- The "emotional support beer" at the end is what makes...
Conspiracy about 75-Y/O Buffalo Protester Is Too Funny...
- Somehow a feeble old man had a master plan to hack...
TikTok and Cops Do Not Mix Well Together...Ever (2...
- These self-owns are almost more damaging than anything...
Little Girl Gets Bullied by Cyclist Dork for Posting...
- This guy is currently wanted by local police for being...
Totally Unprompted, Cleveland Mayor Calls City...
- Going on a live stream interview to literally s*** on...
L.A. Police Chief Gets Told How to Do His Job in the...
- Welcome to the performance review from hell.
Fake Anti-Looting Selfies Are a New Low for Instagram...
- Keep the protest selfies coming.
White Women Spray Painting "BLM" on Starbucks Get a...
- Not the Starbucks x Black Lives Matter collaboration...
Rioters Give Mercedes Benz Dealership Full Makeover
- During protests in Oakland, CA, people destroyed a...
Minneapolis Riot Can't Stop Guy from Working out at...
- Gains, bro. No matter what.
Corporate Owned Media Does Their Master's Bidding Once...
- While most journalists and media professionals frown...
Woman Trying to Keep Her Hands Clean Gets Sanitized in...
- When trying to do the right thing goes horribly wrong.
Karen Almost Has Full Body Shutdown Because She...
- For all her "symptoms" she somehow left out...
Drunk Woman Exemplifies How Many Americans Will Return...
- Some folks are ready to go out and catch that virus...
Politician's Tips on Playing with Your Tennis Balls...
- "You can kick their balls, but you can't touch them...
Runaway Wino Siphoning Wine from a Moving Truck Is...
- Wine moms can also be thirsty dudes in their underwear.
"Rick and Morty" Sept. 11/Pearl Harbor Joke May Have...
- This joke is straight up playing with fire.
Robot Dog Tries to Be Polite but Can't Help Being...
- A park in Singapore unleashed a robotic dog to enforce...
Jerry Stiller's "Seinfeld" Character Could Have Been...
- The late actor, known for playing George Costanza's...
Praying Mantis Goes Savage on Murder Hornet in...
- Why don't we have more sports commentary for everyday...
Guy Shows the Power of a Murder Hornet Sting on Himself
- People say the sting causes searing pain that makes...
Woman Has Brilliant Explanation for Cutting a Hole in...
- True geniuses understand that there are no boundaries,...
Murder Hornets Are Bad, But Bees "Cooking" Them to...
- If you're worried about the murder hornets coming for...
"Now That's What I Call Quarantine" Is All Too True
- A megamix of 2000's pop music with quarantine-themed...
Joe Rogan Does Spot-On Impression of Scumbag Preacher...
- Dude is creepy enough to look like he needs an...
This Is How We Actually Know Where Kim Jong-un Is and...
- Experts explain how they use satellite images, weird...
Here's What Would Happen If You Actually Injected...
- Since the question is in the news today, this story...
How to Pass a Your Buddy a Beer While Social Distancing
- These tactics may not be practical but they do make...
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