The Bizarre Behavior of Rotating Bodies (The...
- Spinning objects have strange instabilities known as...
Media videos
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Watch a Massive Truck Tire Explode inside a Tire...
- This video shows the OSHA Certification explosion...
"DOOM" on a Pregnancy Test Is the Win of the Week
- The test can now tell whether you're having a boy, a...
Near-Miss between Helicopter and Drone off Florida...
- The Federal Aviation Administration has launched an...
The Royal Navy's Jetpack Assault Testing Proves the...
- The future is now, get ready for jetpack wearing...
Unexpected Explosion on a Boat Sends a Bikini-Clad...
- A woman was thrown into the air and landed in the...
iPhones Look 100x Cooler without the Polarization...
- This is how technology in 2020 should look.
Former Astronaut Talks about the People Tasked with...
- Garrett Reisman, a former NASA Astronaut talks about...
Recently Declassified Footage of the Largest Nuclear...
- Witness the horrifing power of the (AN602) Tsar Bomb,...
Nervous Guy's Life Ended after Selfie with Car Babe
- Who keeps their toupee on a leash anyway?
Vagina Controller Is a True Video Gaming Breakthrough
- You could also play by sticking it up your butt.
Car Guy Puts a GoPro inside His Tire
- The tire looks like it's getting slapped when it's...
Firefighters Can't Stop Dude from Saving His Dog from...
- This is true friendship.
Awesome Giant Robot Greets Visitors at UAE Defense...
- This 8-foot tall menacing-looking "robot" is actually...
Unhealthy Amount of Sweat Gushes out of Doctor's...
- How can one person generate this much sweat?
Carl Sagan Explains the Fourth Dimension in a Way We...
- This guy had an amazing way of making big complex...
Video of the Beirut Explosion from Extremely Close
- You can see the true devastation and destruction of...
Bride's Photo-shoot is ROCKED by the Beirut Explosion
- Eyewitness video shows a bride posing for photographs...
The Closest Known Footage of the Beirut Warehouse...
- Both people survived the terrifying ordeal with...
SpaceX's Starship SN5 Successfully Completes a 150...
- The grain silo as some lovingly call it took off an...
Man Driving a Few Miles Away from the Beirut Explosion...
- If you ever wondered what would happen if you were...
Guy's Jet Engine Mobile Home Is Surprisingly Livable
- This is how all those corny YouTube DIYers think they...
Guy's Technique for Painting Entire Wall in 1 Minute...
- He makes masking tape look like a little punk.
3D Model Shows the Real Way Sperm Swim: Spinning like...
- Fire away, boys.
Road Rager Cracks up after Threatening to Beat Guy's...
- This is the least intimidating intimidation tactic...
These 3D Holograms Can be Heard and Touched
- Scientists from the Interact Lab at the University of...
Boston Dynamics "Sand Flea" Robot Can Jump 30 Frickin'...
- Sand Flea is an 11-lb robot with one trick up its...
Instant Karma for Angry Ex-girlfriend Attempting Arson
- Most of us have been in an "unhealthy" relationship at...
This 1960's Toy Hot Rod Restoration is an Oddly...
- A Nylint Roadster Hot Rod from the 60's gets broken...
Tesla Model S Blows the Brakes off a Crotch Rocket on...
- A guy cruising around on his motorcycle saw a Tesla S...
They Digitally Recreated Mummy's Voice and It Sounds...
- It sounds like he's shouting at his friend for eating...
RIP Grant Imahara of Mythbusters Fame, Died at 49
- Grant Imahara of Mythbusters, White Rabbit Project,...
Guys Crash a Brand New Kia and the Airbags Deploy When...
- Well, it WAS a brand new car in perfect condition. How...
Boston Dynamics Robo-Dog Seen Sniffing Around SpaceX...
- Video of the $70,000 Boston Dynamics Robot Spot,...
Testing a $35,000 Bomb Suit against One Grenade
- All product reviews should be as straightforward as...
Snapchat Added Then Quickly Removed This Juneteenth...
- Making slavery jokes is never a good look.
Guy Changed His License Plate to "NULL" and All Hell...
- He thought he was being clever but he ended up playing...
The Joe Rogan as Kenneth Copeland 'Deepfake' is...
- Great deep fake of Rogan giving the infamous private...
Dunking Aluminum Can in Drain Cleaner Reveals Plastic...
- Do all soda cans have this weird little plastic bag on...
Comedian's Anti-NASCAR Rant Captures Hypocrisy of...
- The "emotional support beer" at the end is what makes...
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