Leaving Truck LIKE A BOSS After Wreck
Media videos
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Smart Car T-BONES Patrol Car
- For such a little guy that did some serious damage!
Soccer Player Finds A Grenade On the Field
- Came close to losing that hand.
Stunning Nuclear Detonation HD
- Castle bravo, 15 megaton detonation, it formed a four...
Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind
- Time for some interesting facts to make your head...
How To Make Your Own Free Energy
- A bazillion more of these and I can light up a light...
Acoustic Levitation
- Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory have...
Mars Curiosity Descent - Ultra HD 30fps Smooth-Motion
- Youtuber suitzoot, created this frame by frame over...
Wait For It
Motorcycle On Fire Explodes
- Bike on fire in a busy parking lot...Wait for the...
Awesome Car Wreck Compilation!
- A collection of decent to kick ass wrecks caught by...
Hotrod Mows Down Crowd
- An inept showoff runs over 8 people at a car show.
Miata's Incredible Save at Drag Strip
- Mazda Miata almost loses it, but the driver makes a...
World's Greatest Drag Race 2
- "Last year, Motor Trend put together the World's...
Raw Video MASSIVE Explosion
- Unbelievable!!
Jeremy Foley Pikes Peak Crash Roof Cam
- That looks like a bad place to race a car.
Woman Driver Attempts Parking Her Car
- Who gave her a driver's license?
Furnace Explosion Showers Workers With Molten Metal
- It's ok they had hardhats and safety glasses.
Old Chevy Farm Truck Becomes Awesome Dragster
- Looks like crap, but it will torch your ride.
Car Slide Fail
- Never trust a Japanese car for sliding on...
Ferrari Owner Attempts Running Over Cop
- The driver was trying to run from a ticket, then...
Drivers Clever Revenge On Another Car
- Note: The drivers car windows were down.
Supercooled Water Experiment
- Dat-ice
Russian Boat Explosion
- Russians drop a grenade into the water while on a...
Awesome Power Line Explosion
- New York had a bad storm the other day and this...
Real Life Particle Animations!
- Wish I could do stuff like this with my spare time..
3 Year Old Crashes Car
- A 3yo kid opens a car door, starts it up, and then...
Mr Wizard Trolling Kids With Science
- You're wrong.
HUGE Truck Explosion
- get ready to poo your pants.
The World's Fastest Street Car
- Hennessey Venom GT...AWESOME!
How Does The Internet Work
- The geniuses at World Science Festival explain how.
Fireworks In A Dishwasher
- Bloom!
Higgs Boson 'God Particle' DISCOVERED
- Scientists at CERN have discovered the God Particle,...
8 Crazy Explosions
- Amazing explosion footage.
Fire In A Fireworks Factory
- Some very good footage of the explosion.
Insane Double Car Crash
- Bored? Why not perform a Double Car Crash stunt with...
IED Near Miss
- Damn, almost spilled my coffee.
Near Disastrous Semi Truck Fail
- What do you do when this happens to you ?
Massive Explosion Shockwave Hits Camera
- Incredible.
Lamborghini Show Off Fail
- It's too bad having a lot of money doesn't teach you...
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