Glenn Howerton's Hilarious Tesla Story Captures How...
- This funny story from 'The Always Sunny Podcast' nails...
Media videos
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Guy Puts a Jar of Pond Water on His Window Sill and...
- From the creator: Last week, I scooped a jar of...
The Most Compelling UFO Footage Ever, or Just A Hoax?
- The internet is at odds over this video shot in Bogota...
See How Deep The Ocean Really Is
- Spoiler: It goes down pretty far.
Husband Quickly Regrets Letting His Wife Drive the...
- He shouldn't have been in the back like that either.
This Video Is the Only Way You'll Ever Be Able to...
- This is some freaky stuff.
Awesome Old School Inventions That We Need to Give...
- Some of these make a lot of sense.
This 400ft Tall Halloween Drone Light Show Is Truly...
- Every show blows my mind. The work that goes into...
Take a Tour of the Moon in 4K High Definition
- Courtesy of Nasa's Lunar Recon Orbiter.
Security Footage Captures the Crimean Bridge Explosion
- A huge explosion partially destroyed a key bridge...
This is What It’s Like to Experience a Nuclear Blast...
- This is absolutely terrifying. And no, you're not...
The Tragically Sad Final Cockpit Recording of the...
- This is video and subtitled audio was the last tape...
Storm Surge Timelapse Shows Fort Myers Completely...
- The power of water is incredible.
They Gave a Machete to a Plant
- Welp it's official. Plants have been weaponized.
Shark Swimming Streets of Florida Confirmed to Be Real
- After years of hoaxes, fake videos and pictures, and...
Watching How Cars Get Destroyed in Movies Changes...
- There's nothing better than smashing up some cars for...
Watch the World’s Most Epic First Person Drone Shot
- The skill from everyone involved is completely mind...
NYC Construction Company under Fire after Equipment...
- A Bronx woman narrowly escaped death when part of a...
Entitled Woman Puts in Wrong Pick-up Address and Gets...
- I keep trying to tell you guys, karma is for real.
660 Ton 'Mass Damper' Saves Taipei Skyscraper From...
- It's like a physics class on a life and death scale.
Your Mom's Shipment of Dildos Just Spilled Out Onto...
- "Umm, can you tell me what all those boxes are?" No...
Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin Rocket Explodes After Liftoff...
- Blue Origin rocket exploded at 1:05 after liftoff,...
AI Predicts First Touchdown of the Season and May...
- The similarities are eerie.
Genius Nearly Killed After Shooting a Fridge Packed...
- This guy was a few inches away from collecting his...
SpaceX Lands Reusable Rockets Like It's No Big Deal
- A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched the Transporter-2...
Apollo 10 Crew's Floating Turd Incident
- Dropping a deuce in space can be challenging as the...
Walter White Driving on Rainbow Road is Hilarious and...
- That blue shell will break you bad.
Almost Every Single Car Wrecks After a Bit of Rain at...
- This is definitely "The Big One"
Artemis 1 is Headed to the Moon as NASA's Biggest and...
- A true marvel of modern engineering the Artemis 1 is...
NASA Releases First Ever Audio From Inside a Blackhole
- Despite what most people think, space is not in fact...
People Awaken Sleeping Volcano By Throwing Rocks at It
- Who knew throwing rocks at a volcano would make it go?
Satisfying Simulation of Cars Driving Over a Pit
- There is something about these computer simulations...
This Formula 1 Helmet Cam Video is Epic
- The speeds are incredible.
Biggest Foam Plane Kamakazied by Hundreds of RC Planes
- Take a look at this awesome RC dogfight!
Meteorologist Loses it After Green Screen Multiplies...
- This Meteorologist can barely finish the broadcast...
This Hologram from Eric Prydz's Intro at Tomorrowland...
- Look in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's a...
Guys Go Just a Little Too Hard in VR
- Defeat was not an acceptable outcome for these guys.
Tesla Absolutely Trucks Child Dummy in Stoppage Test
- We probably shouldn't be laughing, but come on now,...
Albert Einstein and Leo Szilard Colorized Footage Is...
- Updated, amazing footage that has been colorized of...
Guy Turns His Toilet Into a Gaming PC
- When you gotta game, you gotta game.
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