Seal Goes Nuts, Starts Randomly Chasing and Attacking Kids and Beachgoers
This seal at Clifton Beach in South Africa creates quite the commotion, as it decides to attack multiple swimmers in the shallow Cape Town waters.
Seals are typically non-violent towards humans, but this one has other ideas. Its uncharacteristic behavior could be down to its age, as its small size may indicate youth, and an overeagerness to defend itself. It may have also felt that its territory was being encroached upon be swimmers. Humans are the invasive species here afterall.
Despite a strong message from bystanders to leave the water immediately, many people keep on swimming, leading to the attacks. Others re-enter the water to try and help the situation. Perhaps these attacks could have been avoided completely had the swimmers just listened to the message. The second attack in particular seems hard to blame completely on the seal.
Seals are typically non-violent towards humans, but this one has other ideas. Its uncharacteristic behavior could be down to its age, as its small size may indicate youth, and an overeagerness to defend itself. It may have also felt that its territory was being encroached upon be swimmers. Humans are the invasive species here afterall.
Despite a strong message from bystanders to leave the water immediately, many people keep on swimming, leading to the attacks. Others re-enter the water to try and help the situation. Perhaps these attacks could have been avoided completely had the swimmers just listened to the message. The second attack in particular seems hard to blame completely on the seal.