Man Attacked At Florida Bar
- He got knocked out cold, kinda like his beer.
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Baby Trashes a Bar
- She's so drunk!
Drunk Chick Dances Right Off the Bar
- Lucky that bouncer was there to cop a feel
Bar Swinging Fail
- He was doing well, until well you know.
Andes Teletransporter
- The industrious Germans came up with a solution to the...
I've Been Captured By The Germans!
- An older gentleman was having a drink at a pub and...
Un-parlleled Nut Shot
- too bad for him, his junk is perpendicular to that...
Grab Your Beer and Fear the Deer
- two deers burst threw a glass door in a Wisconsin bar...
Drew Brees Teaches Pre-Game Chant at Bar Post Super...
- they're still celebrating
Hell Swallows Up a Bar
- Hold For Baptist Applause.
Amazing Bartending Skills
- Don't tell me this is photoshopped... CUZ ITS NOT!
Cool Quick Easy Bar Trick
- man it really impressed that girl
Bar Shootout
- Bar Fight turns into a shootout
Beer Bar Bike
- Peddle around Amsterdam and enjoy a pint on the beer...
5 Signs You've Had One Too Many To Drink!
- Discover what character you are, when you have had one...
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