Intrigued Cat Vs Windshield Wipers
- Houston, we have liftoff!
Media videos
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Lady Talks Smack To A Cat
- The owner used a human to feline speech translator.......
Adorable Monkey Grooms Cat
- I could watch this for hours. Warning: Cuteness...
Reporter Accidently Eats Cat Vomit
- He thought it was grapenuts...he was dead wrong.
Cat Sees A Balloon
- A cat sees a balloon and it's reaction is priceless.
Chick Sleeps Under Cats Chin
- A little chick cuddles up to his best buddy, a cat.
Bengal Kitten Plays Fetch
- An adorable young kitten named Beavis plays fetch with...
Fireman With A GoPro Saves A Kitten
- Cory Kalanick rescues an unconscious kitten from a...
Crazy Cat Lady VS. Neighbor
- Introducing Crazy Rhubarb Lady's sister: Crazy Cat...
Leopard Likes To Be Pet
- This big cat purrs when being pet by one of his...
Cat Slides Around Kitchen Table
- Apparently kitty got into the cat nip again.
Adorable Kittens Being Adorable
- It looks like they may be too tired to play...
Cat Can't Catch The Windshield Wiper
- He keeps falling short, and begins to ponder the point...
Cat Loves Getting A Massage
- This laid back kitty was thinking a massage would be...
Cat vs RC Helicopter
- A curious kitty investigates a strange contraption on...
Cat Burgler Caught In The Act
- This didn't happen... You saw nothing...
Bully Cat Picks On Little Dog
- This cat needs some counseling!
Crow Provokes A Cat-fight, Then Referees It
- A bird trolls two cats into fighting for his own...
- A group of famous and infamous animals team up to sing...
Cat Stands Up When Doorbell Rings
- This kitty has a funny reaction when he hears the...
Cat Learns About Jumping
- The discovery blows his mind.
The Wrong Number
- A ransom call gone very, very wrong.
Stealthy Cat Steals Breakfast
- This kitty probably watched Mission Impossible one too...
Star Wars Jedi Cats Compilation
- The force is strong with these felines!
- Superman saves the day, time and time again.
Cat Spots Something Outside
- A cat is watching something intensely when suddenly...
Cat Spots Something Outside
- A cat is watching something intensely when suddenly...
'Merican Cat Is A Patriot
- A patriotic kitty helps with "The Star-Spangled...
Cat Freaks Out Over Ziplock Bags
- This cat is obsessed with the tops of ziplock bags!
How To Take Your Cat For A Swim
- If he doesn't want to go, you just have throw him in!
Twerking Cat
- This kitten knows how to get down!
Cat Fighter 2: Street Fighter Parody
- See these kittens battle it out in classic console...
Adorable Kitten Wiggles Ears While Drinking
- That's the cutest thing, it's awwwwedorable!
Cat Doesn't Like Being Kissed
- Don't kiss me, you'll give me cooties! Get it off me,...
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Cat
- Watch what happens when this kitty hears this specific...
Cat Takes Back Its' Kitten
- A momma cat takes her kitten from a baby!
Two Faced Kitten Born In Oregon
- Stephanie Durkee's kids found a two headed kitten...
Best Animal vs. News Reporter Bloopers
- More than seven full minutes of animals terrorizing...
Cat Vs. Printing Paper
- This kitty can tell immediately that your document is...
Cat Really Wants To Come Inside
- Next time just open the door, dumb human!
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