7 Year Old Leads Cops On Low Speed Chase
- How the hell do his parents not notice their car and...
Media videos
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Courtroom Tazing
- this guy loses it on the attorney. I wouldn't want to...
Roadside Fight Club
- Two guys are caught on camera having a fight on the...
Idiot Tries To Sweet Talk Cops
- But does it all wrong
Horrific Police Crash
- Cop had guy pulled over then....
Cops Making Out
- A police chief and an officer are in some trouble...
How To Turn A Ticket Into Jail Time
- This guy does have some balls.
Ticketed for Parking in Driveway
- Just how cheap are the cops getting?
Cops Kill Kids Dog!
- Two cops taze and shoot a vicious Chihuahua?
Police Car Rolls Over Suspects Feet
- Accident my ass.
Man Shot on Live TV
- ran from cops. had gun. ate lead.
SWAT Team Botches Police Raid
- SWAT teams busts the wrong guys. so crazy
Man Is Tazed, Mocks Cops And Still Gets Away
- It probably works better when you get them in the eye...
Police Beating Caught On Video - 5 Cops Fired In...
- 5 cops fired in Alabama for beating unconscious man.
Girl Arrested For Calling 911 to Help Dying Father
- If you already hated the police then get prepared to...
Cop Gets Massive Rock to the Head
- If it weren't for the helmet, his head would be mush.
Cops Arrest Very Drunk Vampire Girl!!!
- Someone has been Watching Waaaaay to many Vampire...
Drunk Thinks Breath Test is a Bottle of Booze
- This man from Serbia thinks a Alcohol test is a new...
Bystanders Get Too Close To Demolition
- How many pigs can you fit in one car?
Knives Vs. Cops
- This is supposed to be a serious PSA training video,...
Idiot Runs From Police Straight Into A Police Station
- This has to be the easiest bust in history!
Free Money Freeway!
- San Diego drivers slammed on the brakes to grab cash...
13 Year Old Skater Attacked and Arrested
- These kids should of listened to the property manager...
Cop Makes Two Guys Rap
- ....to get out of a littering ticket, uh oh your in...
Cops for Kids
- Beginning of cops remade for kids
Trigger Happy Cop
- Video of a female police officer who guards a captured...
Get Off My Head Guy
- Guy whines like a baby as he is restrained by the...
Skidmark Bandit
- This guy is scared shitless!
Knife Wielding Man Hit by Cop Car
- This crazy guy was terrorizing people until a cop took...
eBaum's Picks