TIME Editor Calls Obama a Dick on Live Broadcast
- Tell us how you REALLY feel, Mark Halperin.
Media videos
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Biker Eats It On The Lake
Crazy Redneck Stunt
- What is wrong with this guy?
Thoughts on Hairspray
- By the cutie patootie girl. This video has not been...
Demolition Fail
- Never try to bring down a building with a pneumatic...
Two Buses Crash At Intersection
- i bet people went flying in those buses
Planking Fail
- Idots should never trust other idiots
Soldier Suprising Loved Ones pt 1
- d'awwww. Part two here: http://bit.ly/mtZk20
18 Year Old Kid Falls Off From Top Escalator
- Yet another candidate for the Darwin Award.
TSA Forces 95-Year-Old to Remove Her Diaper
- I guess it all 'Depends' on the curcumstances...
Amazing Fight Comeback!!
- He has some major chin!! Gets rocked and still some...
Fail-O-Rama! ...Eat It
- fail compilation of june, accompanied by the rants of...
Russian Swing Smash
- U Vlad bro?
Outdoor Backflip Fail
- That looked like it hurt.
Background Playground Fail
- oh phil....ya dun goofed
Fat Wrestler Vomits And Passes Out In Ring
- This obese wrestler pukes 4 times before passing out...
Stupid Girls Compilation
- Most of these girls are pretty hot too
Lab Puppy Dreaming
- Awwwww...
Woman Thinks She's a Car
- Move Bitch, Get Out The Way!!
Tilt Table Car Flip
- Did that really just happen?
Idiot Uses Lighter to Look In Fuel Tanker
- And the Darwin Award goes to...
Raising Racist Children
- this is frightening on so many different levels...
Lady Chases Down 3 Guys Stealing Beer
- super granny to the rescue!
Parallel Parking....Win?
- He gets my vote!
Pool Cleaning Faceplant
- Some surfaces can be slippery when you're wet.... and...
Yanks 300th Feature Extraordinaire
- I've compiled a compilation of some funny videos I got...
Superbike Square Dance Fail
- I do si do-n't believe that just happened!
Hot Tennis Player Changes Underwear Mid Match
- someone musta had skid marks
Pink Is For Pussies
- Apparently not!
Spelling Errors On High School Diplomas
- Do you see the problem?
This Brilliant Girl Has The Solution To Global Warming
- Get ready for the next big discovery of the modern era!
Kid Flies Out of a Moving Car
- these parents deserve to be drug out into the street...
Dashcam Captures Head on Collision
- Did he died?
0 to 300 mph Fail
- Steering wheel pops off on a drag racing car.
Fishtail Fail
- He couldn't handle his load...
Motorized Snow Glider Fail
- What goes up, must come down.
Sick Mountain Rock Jump Faceplant
- Dude just won the best faceplant of the year.
Inverted Rappelling Rock Slam
- Another one bites the dust.
Tempest Freerunning Academy Nutshot
- I see it's getting harder and harder to get into...
Rioter Car on Fire Jump FAIL
- here's one of the riot retards, attempting to jump...
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