Man Washes Hands In Pee
- how could you make that mistake???
Media videos
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Evil Squirrel Tries to Kill Man Through Screen
- Satan of the Squirrel World.
Little Kid Knows His Football
- At 2 years old he knows every football team, that's...
Say No To Bouncers
- Fight The System!
Have You Seen This Cat?
- Glass breaks, babysitter looks on, kid cries and the...
New Name For Soy Milk
- I cant believe she suggested it to be called that -_-
Pedophile Gets Ass Kicked By Kids
- Serves him right
Smartphone Dominoes
- Its sort of a Rube Goldberg set up.
Massive Fight Breaks Out in Ukraine Parliament
- Now that is what I call Politics. I vote you get egged!
Raccoon VS Dog
- I think the raccoon made the dog his bitch
Angry Russian Wife Destroys Husband's Car
- After she cools down, I'm sure she'll regret slamming...
WTF Bird Dance
- This bird does a crazy weird dance when he hears music
Dog Hates Birthdays
- When this dog hears the song happy birthday he goes...
Crazy Kitty vs. Its Tail
- who will win?
Store Owner Fights Off Robber With Bat
- Never bring a knife to a gun fight....bring a bat...
Crazy Asian VS Redneck
- This Asian girl and redneck get in an argument.
Cop Beating Motorist in Illinois
- In a Chicago suburb, a police officer's own camera...
Fight Breaks at Live TV Show
- There's a manager accusing an artist for fraud. It...
Evolved Cat PART 2!
- You thought a cat standing up couldn't get any cooler,...
Steve Wozniak's Special Ring
- very cool ring that defies the law's of physics
Worlds Bravest Kid
- He would cut up a Lion!
Swing Jump Nut Shot
- OWW! Why would anyone let their friend flip off of a...
Chicken Police Break Up Bunny Fight
- I would of never guessed.
Lacross Brawl
- starts off 1 on 1 by the end all 10 guys are locked up...
Man Tries to Eat Glass and Pins!
- This stupid man tries to eat a cup of glass and pins...
Black Kid Gets Body Slammed
- Skinny guy picks up bigger classmate and slams him...
Fight at a Chicago School Between Two Gay Men
- Wait for the last :45 seconds when the celebration...
Burgertime Brawl
- he really wanted that cheeseburger...too bad he can't...
Awesome Ninja Kick to the Face!
- Two chicks duke it out and one definitely had some...
Russians Fighting in Front of Porta Potti
- There are some hard hits between these guys.
Tortoise vs Dog
- This tortoise is not taking any crap from some stupid...
Arson Fought Off By Two Security Gaurds
- Two attackers attempted to set fire to an internet caf...
French Star Wars
- Its not a surprise that this is French
Insane Brawl
- 2 people get KO'd in a brawl between an Irish...
Fight on Live News
- Two guys bitch fight in the background during an...
Epic Beard Man Punchout
- For all you 8-bit fans.
Protester Shot in the Face with Rubber Bullets
- Miami Police Shot Protester, then laugh about it.
Disgusting Koalas
- 2 Koalas end a fight with an awesome belching contest.
Chinese School Fights Compilation
- Furniture is a deadly weapon in the hands of a Chinese...
Crazy Russian Girl Fight
- What's more hilarious than women fighting? Funny...
eBaum's Picks