Poop Truck Filled To The Brim Takes a Guy's Day from...
- It was a Shitnami of epic proportions!
Media videos
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Storage Wars' Most Unintentionally Funny Moment
- This man's reaction to a curse word is absolutely...
Teen Attempts To Steal Olympic Torch
- It doesn't go as planned.
Hipster Cop Hates Music
- I didn't know superman was a cop...nor a hipster
It's A Bird, It's A Plane, No It's...
- Herbert Chavez who has undergone 10 years of plastic...
Guy Shoots .45 With His Feet
- If I'm every trying to rob an armless man and he...
Clark_Kent in Real Life
- eBaum's very own in the flesh. This was on Live Chat.
Tiger Woods Has Bulging Dicks In His Neck
- Tiger Woods latest: Tiger Woods injured. Bulging dicks...
Poker Tournament Armed Robbery Caught On LIVE TV
- Robbers armed with machetes and handguns get away with...
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