News Anchors Working From Home Interrupted by Pets and...
- The struggle is real, and often adorable.
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Ozzy Man Reviews Why the Mexican Weather Channel is So...
- Yanet Garcia makes the weather reports worth watching.
Franklin Voice Actor Says if Rockstar Released 'GTA 6'...
- Too bad he didn't put on the Franklin voice.
ABC Segment on Utah Anti-mask Protest Shows Americans...
- Americans are truly lightyears ahead of the rest of...
Citizens Watch in Disbelief as Cops Let a Drunk Driver...
- Footage of the bizarre incident has ended up on local...
Unlocking the Hidden Pool in THPS 1+2 Is Extremely...
- This is both one of the easiest and coolest easter...
Man's Rant against Boneless Wings Makes a lot of Sense
- What the hell is a "boneless wing" anyway?
Scammers Arrested for Stealing Money Openly Joke about...
- The joke in this clip from 2019 turned out not to be a...
Pitcher Gets His Balls Blown Apart by His Own Heater
- If the steroids weren't gonna prevent him from having...
Firefighters Can't Stop Dude from Saving His Dog from...
- This is true friendship.
San Francisco Thunderstorm Has Insane Details
- The foggy weather doesn't allow for much lightning,...
San Francisco Thunderstorm Has Insane Details
- The foggy weather doesn't allow for much lightning,...
Black Confederate Supporter Looks like Real Life...
- This was a little unexpected.
Cop Tries to Handcuff 8 Year-Old Boy with ADHD
- This "scared straight" tactic gave the kid nightmares.
Weatherman Cursed Out for Trying to Warn Sports Fans...
- Some people could care less if their house is about to...
Pauly Shore Nailed His "Bill & Ted" Audition
- This movie franchise probably would have died if Pauly...
Dude Confronted after Scraping All the Social...
- His "Scrape for Truth" campaign sounds super promising.
Robin Williams Roasts Joe Biden's Mental Capacity
- This clip from 2009 is just as relevant today.
Guy Ignores Warnings and Plants "Mystery Seeds" from...
- Oh no, not squash!
Trump Discovers New Way to Pronounce "Yosemite"...
- He says it twice just to make sure.
$1 Million NYC Apartment Building Is the Biggest Crap...
- The best part is the owners are accepting cash only.
3D Model Shows the Real Way Sperm Swim: Spinning like...
- Fire away, boys.
Florida School Reopening Plan Looks Slightly...
- If kids didn't like going to school before, they'll...
Texas Congressman Gets COVID-19 and Blames It on His...
- You can't make this stuff up.
Did this Kid's Bike Just Get Stolen During a Live News...
- This was either the live-broadcasting of a crime in...
Woman Who Laughs like Chewbacca Suffers Chewbacca...
- She claimed this was a childish way to end their...
Interview with Hyperrealistic Cake Sculptor on the...
- If we're all cake then who's the knife?
Creeps Tried to Lure a 10-Year-Old into a Car But He...
- Two potential pedos tried to get a young boy to go...
Kellyanne Conway's Daughter Is Trolling Her Mom as a...
- "Smelly Kelly" isn't a great nickname but it's better...
They Digitally Recreated Mummy's Voice and It Sounds...
- It sounds like he's shouting at his friend for eating...
Will Smith Dies a Little Inside as His Wife Reveals a...
- Talking about how your wife banged some other dude...
Harvard Grad Ruined Her Life with Violent Joke about...
- Going viral is one hell of a double-edged sword.
Inside Edition "Sting" Finds Sheets Weren’t Changed...
- With the vital need for enhanced cleaning and...
News Reporter Warming Up Before Going Live on Air
- She gets ready for her live segment by reciting the...
Florida Women Don't Need Masks or Underwear as Long as...
- "Ma'am, this is an Arby's. Either order something or...
Local Reporter Turns into Bill Burr During Segment...
- Wow, I guess cows can make 2 kinds of milk.
Snapchat Added Then Quickly Removed This Juneteenth...
- Making slavery jokes is never a good look.
Cop Puts on Oscar–Worthy Performance in McDonald's...
- She felt personally attacked because the McDonald's...
The Fear in Karen's Eyes When She's Caught Coughing on...
- Her look at the end is one of someone who's about to...
Comedian's Anti-NASCAR Rant Captures Hypocrisy of...
- The "emotional support beer" at the end is what makes...
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