A Realistic Toilet Paper Commercial
- If ads on television were a little more honest.
Media videos
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Owl Leaves Friend Nasty Parting Gift
- Maybe to owls this is a kind gesture.
DMCA - Adorable Puppy Doesn't Understand Hiccups
- Warning: Cuteness Overload!
Dog Rides Bus To Park, Alone!
- That is one smart dog!
Twerking Gone Horribly Wrong
- This dance has never been dirtier!
The Easiest Way To Avoid Ebola
- The answer is so simple, and so obvious...
Lamborghini Poop Prank Goes Wrong
- Taking a poop on a Lambo gets one prankster tazed.
Guy On Bike Has Death Wish
- His care for personal safety is zero to none.
Cat Attempts An Innovative Way To Poop
- Acroscatics.
Bird Owns Woman Eating Ice Cream
- The cameraman doesn't even warn her about the ice...
Man Catches 13yo Pooping On His House
- The boy promptly responds: "I Had Ate Some Chips."
Grandma Busts A Move
- Grandma dances to Ice Ice Baby, and she's got some...
Baby's First Smile Video Disaster
- A baby's first smile is interrupted by important...
Monkey Poops On Zoo Visitors
- "You wan't a show, I'll give you a show!" Said the...
Pigeon Poop At A Carwash Prank
- A pigeon ruining a man's day who just washed his car...
Having a Bad Day at the Office?
- It could be worse, like raining poop.
Flu Season
- Nobody wants to feel like Robert Downey Jr. in the...
Pooping Christmas Figurines
- These crappy decorations are apparently the next big...
3 Year Old Ponders His Diet From The Toilet
- A young boy contemplates making some changes in his...
This Girl Is Very Upset
- First world problems.
This Girl Is Very Upset
- First world problems.
Kid Steps In Dog Poop, Has Meltdown
- A kid with dog poop on his foot has an excessively...
Going Number 2 In Public Restrooms
- An awkward incident while attending to a poo...
It Wasn't Me...
- Well who was it then?
Malicious Fecal Distribution
- A woman caught on camera relieving herself next to a...
Morgan Freeman: "Everybody Poops"
- A man reads "Everybody Poops" in Morgan Freeman's...
Firecracker In a Cow Pie
- Explosive cow poop.
Girl Poops In Her Hand Outside A Nightclub
- A turd in the hand is worth two in the bush.
A Lizard Poops In A Girl's Lap
- Rufio does not appreciate his owner discussing his sex...
Diaper Full of Pudding Prank
- His friend is scared of dirty diapers, so he does the...
Good Old Fashion Brotherly Love
- A gross surprise from little brother...
Skrillex Drops One
- Dubstep pioneer Skrillex executes one of his better...
Some One Had An Accident
- Honey bring me some BROWN pants...
Dumpin Donuts?
- A woman confuses dunkin donuts for "dumpin dounts"!
Funny Stool Making Segment
- A tapered end is preferred on most stools.
P.S.A. : Girls Poop Too
- Marie C. Anderson & Katy Frame want to let you in on a...
Humans Are So Disgusting
- Gross facts about the human body!
Train Hits Sewage Truck
- I bet that smelled good after the impact.
Little Jack's Debut Performance
- Poop in my butt.
Bird Poops on Anchor During Live World Series Coverage
- It must have been an angry Cardinal...
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