Guy Terrorizes People on the River With a Remote...
- These people might be traumatized after getting a...
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Guy Trolls His Hot Girlfriend By Putting Vibrator In...
- At least she's got a great sense of humor about it!
Gorgeous Irish Weather Woman Pranks Viewers to...
- Caitlín Bhocht pretends to be struck by lightning...
Guy Puts on a White Body Suit and Hangs From The...
- He decided to strap himself to the ceiling and see how...
Prankster Keeps Calling TV Show Just To Say His...
- You have to admire his tenacity, if nothing else.
Guy's Epic "Breaking Bad" Prank Goes Horribly Wrong...
- This guy takes an inside joke about him being a drug...
US Navy Finally Releases Audio Of The Infamous "Sky...
- Back in 2017, the skies over Washington state were...
"Hey Josh, Look at this Huge Moth that I Found!" Dude...
- Wholesome and hilarious. A man caught a large moth...
Redneck's Savage Shotgun Beer Prank Leaves His Friend...
- You have probably seen people shotgun a beer, but this...
Blue Bikini Bottomed Beach Beauty Pulls off Classic...
- Beach bros get lured in and played for a fool by these...
Guy's Super Glue Dildo Prank Sends Their Friend to the...
- Even the dogs were in on this prank, chomping on the...
These Girls Are The Female Version Of Jackass
- It's just a prank bro!
The Full Detective Pikachu Movie Leaked On Youtube
- Well, this was another expert marketing campaign movie...
Girl Tries to Prank Her Cat, Cat Gets Pissed and Beats...
- Why would you prank a cat? Why? It is, I repeat, never...
Brother Throws Snake Into Sisters Car and She Flips...
- It's just a prank bro! Brother does the unthinkable...
Getting Kids All Riled Up For Pizza and then Leaving
- Damn, that's messed up! One thing you don't do... is...
Worksite Horseplay Gets Taken Very Far
- This can't be stressed enough - Carelessly bending...
High School Student Humiliated on the Basketball Court...
- This kid gets served a hot plate of shame, with a side...
Friends Prank Seatbelt-less Friend And He Pays The...
- Wear your seatbelt kids!
Slippery Fan Frustrates Security on the Baseball Field
- This guy stole the show when he made his way onto the...
This School Pranked Their Students By Having Them Make...
- I don't know what kind of twisted game this school...
Honda Embraces Everybody's Love For The 90's With a...
- Reintroducing the Honda Passport for all the 90s kids...
Legendary Kid Savagely Pranks a Restaurant
- What a douchenozzle.
This Girl's Ripped Pants Prank is Funny and Kind of...
- A girl with a massive rip in her jeans (right on the...
Mother Tells Son There's An Intruder In The House And...
- Horrible mother, and honestly not a very nice thing to...
Teenager Successfully Pranks Her Mom
- Kids prank working Mom with Mannequin in a hoody. She...
Wannabe Gang Banger Goes Gun Shopping
- Youtuber Cassady Campbell pranks gun store by...
David Beckham Gets Pranked Hard With Fake Statue
- As the Los Angeles Galaxy prepare to honor legend...
This Mom Loses It When Her Son Plays A Rap Song
- When she hears the first word you can hear her lose...
Guy Gets Rekt By An Inflatable Airbag Tire Stunt
- The thud when he hits the concrete is kind of...
Decapitation Prank Leaves a Crowd Screaming
- A man, a plan, a mannequin.
Comedian Explains The Best Way To Deal With A Wrong...
- The most epic wrong number troll. This stand-up...
Man Pranks Strip Club as a 6-Year-Old Boy
- Hilarious dude confuses the poor lady on the phone.
Elevator Button Prank Has Its Riders Hilariously...
- Most of us don't mind taking the elevator... as long...
Prank Caller Relentlessly Torments Chain Store...
- The YouTuber took his comedy to the phone lines.
Fake Police Siren Tricking Hotboxing Teens is a Funny...
- These dudes in Norridge, Illinois noticed a group of...
Dog Somehow Learns How To Use Duck Call
- Now this is a good boy!
Teens Who Threw Rocks on Highway Overpass Could Get...
- Five high school students in Michigan are accused of...
Police Prank Mall Shoppers Pretending To Break Up A...
- Shoppers watch as police arrive on scene, but it's not...
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