Dude in Wheelchair Trolls Mom by Publicly Accusing Her...
- Someone please help that poor man!
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Remembering When Police Tricked a Bunch of People with...
- Congratulations — you’re under arrest!
Congrats to This Man for Making the World’s Largest...
- I don’t know if you’ve seen the news today, but...
Dude Trolls HOA By Getting Fence Painted to Look Like...
- There are countless reasons why HOAs need to be...
TikToker Got Out of Going to Church by Building a...
- Why go to church when you could just build a Minecraft...
'OMG It's Him': JaVale McGee Gets Harassed by the Kid...
- If you recognize this man-child, it's for good reason....
4Chan Nazi Arrested At His Mom's House after...
- Let this be a lesson that you can't hide behind a...
Virgin Incel Nick Fuentes Says "It’s Gay to Have Sex...
- Self-identifying incel, internet troll, and political...
Cod Streamer Using Kid Voice Filter Cracks Up His Lobby
- This Call of Duty streamer slaterkodish is hilariously...
This Fake Injury Celebration is the Best in Sports
- Not going to lie, she had us there in the first half.
TikTok Troll Messes With The Wrong Dude and Ends Up On...
- A note to the dipshits out there, not everyone has the...
Anonymous Troll Messes With Veteran, Gets Entire Life...
- You messed with the wrong one, moron.
Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters Troll Westboro Baptist...
- Dave Grohl and his band The Foo Fighters did a...
WhiteHouse.com: The Naughty, Non-Government Website of...
- During the Clinton years, WhiteHouse.com -- not to be...
Dude Poses as Student, Pitches Unforgettable...
- This dude drew up a mascot to replace a school's...
The Fake Pee Prank is the Best Winter Stunt To Pull
- Instead of drawing a dick and without actually peeing...
Michael J. Fox and Son Expertly Trolled Someone Making...
- I gotta admit, that's pretty good!
Scammers Lose Their Minds When Dude Trolling Them Buys...
- Professional Scammer Troll and Youtuber Kitboga has...
Savage Dude Goes on Zoom Interviews Just to Troll
- Youtuber TooBlessed displays his expert level skills...
Apple Banned Fortnite From the App Store. Fortnite...
- The famous 1984 Apple TV commercial just went full...
4Chan White Supremacist Goes to 'This is Texas Rally',...
- "Take your sh*t and go, this isn't comic-con." What...
Kellyanne Conway's Daughter Is Trolling Her Mom as a...
- "Smelly Kelly" isn't a great nickname but it's better...
German Water Works Company Bottled Tap Water and Took...
- Millions of people drink mineral water every day that...
Guy Trolls His Math Teacher Playing "Tequila" on a...
- Remember when we were allowed to gather in large...
Millennial Douche Ruins the Vacation Plans of 250...
- After he ruined the vacation plans for over 250 people...
Shaq Tricks Charles Barkley Into Accidentally...
- The best part is that Barkley appears to have no idea...
Kevin Hart Dresses up Like Vintage Dwayne Johnson For...
- Kevin Hart used Halloween as an opportunity to troll...
Genius Kid Baits NBA Dance Cam into Showing a Pro-Hong...
- He brought the shirt on the 5% chance he'd get on...
Mr Broccoli Pisses off British Morning Show Hosts When...
- Mr. Broccoli is the hero we need, not the hero we...
Undercover Sacha Baron Cohen Trolls O.J. Simpson About...
- Disguised as wealthy Italian businessman Gio Monaldo,...
Keira Knightley Talks About the Time She Got Burned to...
- There's not much to roast about her looks, but she got...
"Old Woman" Drives Scammers Nuts by Pretending He Just...
- Oooh I could get a mobility scooter... with lights and...
NBC Accidentally Allows Fake Witness of El Paso...
- As the Interview went on it's pretty apparent that it...
Champion Boxer Rolls Up on an Internet Troll Who Said...
- "I need 5 minutes outside" LMAO Zab Judah wasn't going...
Emotional Rickroll Will Give You Goosebumps
- We have reached peak meme potential.
Dude Mercilessly Trolls PD Live on Television
- Dude ruthlessly trolls the Live PD television show.
Friends Prank Seatbelt-less Friend And He Pays The...
- Wear your seatbelt kids!
Rapper Sheck Wes Got Utterly Trolled After Refusing To...
- Rapper "Sheck Wes," known for his song "Mo Bamba"...
What You Turn Into When Wearing AirPods
- I didn't know it was legal for it to rain on rich...
Brett Favre Tricked Into Reading Pro-White Supremacy...
- Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Brett Favre and...
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