The Bizarre World of Fake Martial Arts is a Major...
- There are entire communities out there practising an...
Media videos
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Kid Asks Parents a Hilarious Question After They Tell...
- This kid gets it.
Woman Breaks into Impound Lot to Steal Her Truck Back...
- Portland police are looking for this lady after she...
Aaron Paul Walks Us Through His Insane Idaho Mansion
- Would you move in?
The Internet Is Torn Over This Man and Woman Fighting...
- A video that is dividing the Internet shows a man...
Scary Video Shows Inside of a School Bus as It Flips...
- This is scary stuff. Warning: video could be...
Jim Carrey Says He Wanted to 'Do' His Interviewer and...
- Skip to the 1:44 mark for the controversial moment....
Men Read Other Men's Deepest Darkest Secrets
- This got really heavy, but these are incredibly...
China Is Welding the Doors Shut on Buildings With...
- In order to slow the spread of the corona virus, China...
China Is Welding the Doors Shut on Buildings With...
- In order to slow the spread of the corona virus, China...
Guys Ignites a Charge and Send a Massive Shockwave...
- Fire in the hole! We're not exactly sure what's going...
A Cartel Jet Taking Off on a Makeshift Jungle Runway
- Welcome to the real world of drug cartels. Here we...
CEO Gives Terrible Response To His Company...
- *Sips bottle of Water* That is all I have to say for...
Debunked 'Pedo Video' of Jason Momoa Being Handsy With...
- This video of Jason Momoa being a 'pedo' began going...
Asian Kid Absolutely Kills It on Department Store...
- This kid from the Philippines is actually Grand...
One Guy Fights Off Two Polar Bears in the North of...
- This guy is pretty lucky these bears didn't work...
Courtney Love Warning Actresses About Harvey Weinstein...
- Truer words have never been spoken.
Guy Finds an 'Alien' Bug Crawling Through his Car
- Hair-raising moment driver finds a six-legged 'alien'...
Insane Indian Action Film Has One Man Unironically...
- This makes Michael Bay look positively tame in...
Jim Carrey's Entrance to 'Late Night with Stephen...
- Talk about making a big entrance!
Larry King Takes a 3-Minute Phone Call While Appearing...
- Larry sat down with Dave Rubin for 'The Rubin Report'...
Millennial Douche Ruins the Vacation Plans of 250...
- After he ruined the vacation plans for over 250 people...
Little Girl's YouTube Video Interrupted by Sleeping...
- When it makes that wet, flapping sound, you should...
Two Men Caught Firebombing a Police Car with Police...
- Two juveniles throw petrol firebombs onto a police car...
Real Life George Costanza Causes Chaos at the...
- Why was George Costanza even *at* this diversity...
Dude Blows Up Nokia 3310 to Prove It's Basically...
- Let's see your iPhone do THAT.
Jason Momoa Reveals a Different Side of Himself in...
- Finally, I feel like he and I have something in common!
Babe Belly-Dancing to AC/DC's 'Thunderstruck' is a...
- Now that's the kind of cultural exchange I can really...
Dude Breaks Down Men Being Sexually Assaulted Played...
- Pop Culture Detective dissects a disturbing trend in...
Radiohead's 'Creep', But the Lyrics are From Google...
- This is truly fantastic.
The Worst Five Minutes of News You'll Ever See
- These Toledo News anchors just did their best...
Fox News Hosts Laughs At Trump Before Cutting Away...
- Get it out Donald.
Monkey Attempts to Kidnap a Baby In front of a...
- A terrifying moment when a primate had its eyes set on...
Dolphin Knocks a Standup Paddleboarder Off Her Board
- A group with Upper Tampa Bay Paddle Sports had a close...
80's Aerobics and Rob Zombie's 'Dragula' is One of Our...
- That feeling when you're goth as f*** but still wanna...
Psychedelic McDonald's and IHOP Commercials were...
- You okay, McDonalds? IHOP?
Street Performer Lets Go of His Fire Stick and...
- Fire spinning street performer catches someones house...
Double Murder Suspect Trying For an Insanity Plea Has...
- Maybe if this guy spent more time practicing his...
Carol Vorderman Flaunts Her Welsh as She Does The...
- Welsh sounds like the fake language people make when...
Browns Fanatic Cop Pulls Over Running Back Kareem Hunt...
- The Cleveland Browns running back admitted he'd fail a...
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